As we continue together in the realm of thinking missiologically about our world, from time to time I will be blogging about different groups that are laboring for Kingdom expansion throughout the world. In April, I am scheduled to speak at the Association of North American Missions Leadership Forum. Since these brothers […]
Monthly Archives: February 2010
I am encouraged by the number of churches in the United States that are getting involved in church planting. Over the past few years, a growing number of churches have started (or considering) training church planters through internships. This is a good thing. May their tribe increase! In 2007, I wrote […]
Apply P.L.A.N.T.S. When Training Church Planters
Cowboy church planters? Some say they go too far in contextualization, doing something avant-garde simply to draw a crowd. Others say they have taken the concept of the homogeneous unit to an extreme, only planting churches for cowboys, and then raise questions such as, “Do we then need to plant […]
Jeff Smith On Cowboy Church Planting
In church planting circles, the “person of peace” is a concept addressed on a regular basis. This concept finds support from passages such as Luke 10:5-6; John 4:28-30, 39-42; Mark 5:18-20; and Acts 10:24; 16:15, 30-34; 18:8. The concept generally refers to the first few people who come to faith and are […]
The P.A.W. Approach to Locating Persons of Peace
Dr. Marv Newell recently published Commissioned: What Jesus Wants You to Know as You Go with ChurchSmart. I recently did an interview with Marv regarding his book. You will definitely want to add this resource to your library! Marv is the Excecutive Director of CrossGlobal Link, an association of over 90 […]
Commissioned with Marvin J. Newell
I have been troubled by what I believe is a missioloigcal malpractice among many church planters today. If we say we are Kingdom citizens living by a Kingdom Ethic, then that Ethic must govern all of life, including our church planting philosophies and methods. While we talk about the Great Commission and Kingdom advancement, we fail to allow the […]