The past few weeks have been very busy, but I have been blessed to have been with a great group of Kingdom citizens. A couple of weeks ago, I had the privilege to speak at the annual retreat for the church planters partnering with the Missouri Baptist Convention. Last week, […]
Yearly Archives: 2010
Now we come to the third post in this series on the inadequacy of most North American church planting strategies. If you did not catch the first two, you can find them here: Post 1 and Post 2. The next shift in our countdown is a methodological shift, in order […]
Methods Must Be Highly Reproducible
I am interrupting my current series on North American church multiplication strategies to write this timely post. I just received the latest statistics from the U. S. census on poverty in the United States. Unfortunately, the news is not good. Also, you can already find related articles in The Washington Post and The […]
Poverty Statistics for the United States
In this second post of this series, I am continuing to discuss why I believe that most church planting strategies to reach North America are inadequate for the great task of reaching the estimated 75% (U.S.) and 88% (Canada) of lostness today (As I have written before, I believe the actual percentages […]
Strategies Must Embrace a Philosophy of Multiplication
I am beginning a series of posts on the topic of missionary strategy, particularly related to North American church planting strategies. The matter of missionary strategy is regularly on my mind. Recently, however, I have been thinking, writing, and speaking about it more frequently. My former professor and friend, Dr. […]
Most North American Church Planting Strategies are Inadequate for the ...
I want to share with you another book that you need to add to your library. Envisioning Effective Ministry: Evangelism in a Muslim Context is hot off the press. It is the best of the best EMQ articles on what you need to know about ministering to Muslims. My friends Laurie Fortunak Nichols and Gary […]