Few churches in North America are involved in church planting. I want to be involved in changing this unfortunate reality. Today, I am releasing my latest e-book Leading Your Church in Church Planting: Taking the First Steps. This 62-page work is designed to encourage and provide some guidance for pastors […]
Monthly Archives: November 2011
I am preparing to release my next free e-book. Check out the video below for more information. Stay tuned. Happy Thanksgiving!
Forthcoming E-Book: Leading Your Church in Church Planting
Last week, I received the following news from my publisher at Biblica: InterVarsity Press has acquired Biblica. This was an exciting update. While I knew Biblica was in discussion with another publisher, I did not know the company involved. You may check out some of the details from Andy Unedited […]
InterVarsity Press Acquires Biblica Books
My last post addressed the new stats released by the Institute of International Education. The United States has reached a record high in the number of international students now enrolled in its colleges and universities. I consider this a very good situation. It is a wonderful opportunity for the Church […]
International Students: Removing the Tradition of Geography
An important report addressing the 2010-2011 numbers of international students in the United States was just released from the Institute of International Education. I have greatly appreciated their research over the years. A most helpful annual document is Open Doors Fast Facts (below are two tables from the document). This […]
Record Number of International Students in U. S.
Dan Pallotta has written a helpful post for the Harvard Business Review titled, “Stop Thinking Outside the Box.” In this work, he challenges his readers to understand the present box in which they find themselves in order to innovate and move beyond their limitations to health and growth. Consider his […]