The following refugee facts were released last week by the U. S. Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration. Do we see the sovereign hand of our Father at work? If so, how now should we live? The number of refugees resettled in the United States reached 3 million on February […]
Monthly Archives: February 2012
I want to share with you about a new book that was recently released. Enoch Wan has produced the first comprehensive textbook on the new–yet burgeoning–area of missiology that examines the global movements of peoples. Diaspora Missiology: Theory, Methodology, and Practice is a collection of chapters by different contributors addressing […]
Interview with Enoch Wan on Diaspora Missiology
In my last post on leadership development, I addressed the fact that many of us are looking toward unhealthy paradigms for equipping others. This problem should not surprise us. We reproduce what we know, and we know what has been modeled before us. And what is often set before us […]
Leadership Development: You Are What You Eat–And You Reproduce It ...
I remember a Public Service Announcement that would air on television whenever I would get home from elementary school. It was this crazy 60-second cartoon of a strange character who would remind kids to eat healthy food. His jingle included the phrase “You are what you eat from your head […]
Leadership Development: You Are What You Eat–and You Reproduce It ...
A new and unique book has been published by the North American Mission Board. As of yesterday, I was told that it is not yet available to order–but that option is coming soon. I recently received my copy; so, check out the agency’s web site for updates as to when […]
New Book: Rural Church Planting
You have heard this saying before, and there is some truth in it: In Jerusalem, missions was about movement. In America, missions is about business and enterprise. I want to make a slight adjustment: In Jerusalem, missions was about simplicity (to know nothing but Christ; to preach Christ crucified). In […]