Strike the Match

My family and I just returned from a spring break trip to Washington D. C..  We spent the week riding the rails and buses across the city seeing the sites that the tourists are supposed to see.  My favorite stop was the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum.  I have been an astronomy, astronautics, and aeronautics buff for sometime.

I came across this fascinating quote from Charles Lindbergh (see photo below).  These words reveal his reflections on the global impact of his completion of the first transatlantic, non-stop, solo flight (from New York to Paris in a mere 33.5 hours).

As I reflected on his quote, I could not help but think about the incredible potential we have to advance the gospel among the nations of this world.  The message we have is a message capable of sparking a spontaneous reaction among those who embrace it.  It is a message that results in healing and transformation.  It tears down strongholds, lifts the broken, and restores that which is damaged beyond human repair.

Paul was a match striker.  He had no problem stating that this message was the “power of God for salvation to everyone who believes” (Rom 1:17, ESV).  And, wow! Those new believers comprising that new church in Thessalonica certainly struck the match:

“For not only has the word of the Lord sounded forth from you in Macedonia and Achaia, but your faith in God has gone forth everywhere, so that we need not say anything”
(1 Thess 1:8, ESV).

So, what are we doing today, by the Holy Spirit’s empowerment, to help facilitate the multiplication of disciples, leaders, and churches–across the street and across the globe?  Are we intentionally and consistently striking the match of the gospel before the unbelieving world, while desiring that what begins as a flame would quickly become a roaring bonfire among 4 billion people?

Or, are we saying and doing things akin to pouring water on the wood?

Lindbergh risked his life to strike a match that ignited a bonfire that will one day be consumed by an even greater fire. What will we risk to start a burn that will never be extinguished?

Let’s go get the matches.

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