Faithful-Doing When You Don’t Know What to Do 1

What do we do when we don’t know what to do?

This is a question we ask often.

“I am fasting, praying, reading the Word, seeking wisdom in a multitude of counselors, but I am still not certain what to do.”

Great! Keep up such practices! Such are wonderful disciplines of disciples!

“Yes, but how should I act in my situation?  What should I do?”

Do something…something different.

While there are times the Lord wants us to wait in Jerusalem until the Spirit arrives, there are numerous situations that require action.  Such is a matter of being a good steward.  Leaders must be movers.

To bury your talent is to remain frozen–to invest it is movement.  It is faithful-doing.

No, we do not continue to repeat the past that is not working, hoping that one day it will work. We learn from our past and then do a variation on it.  We commit our ways to the Lord and then take a step of faith as we walk filled with the Spirit.

Remember the legend of Edison–10,000 tries before the light bulb worked to his satisfaction. How many tries do you think it took before they were able to develop these new energy saving “green” bulbs?

Remember Paul? His church planting team tried to enter two different areas to preach the gospel, but was interrupted by God (see Acts 16).  The result? The Philippian Church was planted and we now have the book of Philippians.  It was in the act of faithful-doing that the Lord led the team according to His will.

Analyze for a season, but don’t let it paralyze you. If you are looking for the perfect solution, the perfect route, stop looking. You will never find it.  As long as we sinful beings are involved, it will never be perfect.

Die to self each day. Walk with God. And when you don’t know what to do…faithfully-do something for His glory. Act. Move.  He is able to get you to Philippi!

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One thought on “Faithful-Doing When You Don’t Know What to Do

  • Steven L. Hitchcock

    This really speaks for our situation as a family. We are praying and waiting for direction and it seems that every door is closed. Psalm 27 has been an encouragement as of late, particularly verse 13, ‘I would have despaired if I had not believed that I would see the goodness of God in the land of the living.’

    Thanks for what you have shared.