This is my most unusual post to date. I have refrained from writing it for several weeks. I am not certain why. It just feels strange. I have a question for you: What should be the topic of my next book? I truly want to hear from you guys and […]
Yearly Archives: 2013
Last week, I sent out a tweet sharing about a new resource that just came on-line. ethneCITY is something you need to check out, if you have not done so already. While there are a few (emphasis on few) web-based resources addressing the movement of the nations of the world, […]
I wanted to share with you a book that was just released a few weeks ago. Craig Ott and I co-edited Missionary Methods: Research, Reflections, and Realities (William Carey Library) as a part of the Evangelical Missiological Society Series. 2012 marked the 100th anniversary of the publication of Roland Allen’s […]
New Book Missionary Methods
The United States is not only one of the world’s largest countries (3rd), it also home to the third largest number of unreached people groups (a story few have heard). Over the past several years, I have noticed a very common church planting strategy that is on the minds of […]
Jesus Did not Say Wait for Pastors to Plant Churches
If you are just joining this blog, then you are reading at a time when I’m in the middle of a series on missionary strategy. Previous posts are located below: Developing a Strategy for Missions Future and Process of Missionary Strategy What is Strategic Planning? In light of our definition […]
The Big 5 of Strategy Development
In Developing a Strategy for Missions, we operate from the following definition: Strategic planning is a prayerfully discerned, Spirit-guided process of preparation, development, implementation, and evaluation of the necessary steps involved for missionary endeavors. Prayerfully Discerned The development of mission strategy is a supernatural process. While resources abound on the […]