Short-term missions is long overdue for an overhaul. Projects abound. Many of us run throughout the world doing great ministry in many needy parts of the world, but little mission takes place. Some of us have made great strategic progress in the area of short-term missions, recognizing the value of long-term […]
Yearly Archives: 2014
During this evening’s Secret Church gathering, a special time of prayer will be for the Kurds and Turks. Even if you are not present with us in Birmingham, or participating via simulcast, check out the links below. Turkey is a country of approximately 75 million people, less than 0.1% are […]
Hope for Turkey
UPS truck drivers rarely make left turns. Such turns are more dangerous to make than right turns. They also save the company money. By making 90% of turns to the right, UPS has been able to save 10 million gallons of gas. Drivers traveling greater distances to avoid idling time […]
More Right Turns
I am pleased to share with you that Brook Hills Music has released another album! Death to Life is one that you will want to download ASAP! Check out the following video as members of our worship team share their thoughts on this newly released project. While I know that […]
New Album: Death to Life
We love signs. We want signs. Without a sign, we don’t move. I recently heard of two pastors locked in conversation. One shared with the other his thoughts on multiplying disciples and churches. His ideas were biblical and simple, but did not fit the traditional paradigm. The other pastor replied, […]
Stop Asking for a Sign
Recently, I attended the Southeast Regional Evangelical Missiological Society in Columbia, South Carolina. It was here I presented a paper that Bryan Galloway and I coauthored: “More than Strangers Next Door. . . Our Neighbors: The Initiative to Research the Nations within the United States.” If you are not […]