I had the honor of speaking in New Orleans at the Multiply Louisiana Conference in August. It was a great blessing to be with pastors and leaders from the Southern Baptist Association, State Convention, and North American Mission Board. I am very thankful for their labors across Louisiana in general, […]
Yearly Archives: 2014
Thought of the day: The country is home to a large concentration of evangelicals. The country is home to the third largest number of unreached people groups, behind India and China. Most church planting in the country is among reached people groups. At 26% evangelical, with a conservative estimate of […]
Kingdom Steward Thought of the Day
We come to the last post in this series. If you missed any of the previous posts, you may find them linked below: Share Today’s Stories Later Today Why We Do What We Do the Way We Do It An Engine for Developing World-Impacting Disciple Makers Equipping Planters and Pastors […]
Church-to-Church Partnership
In this fourth post of the series, I want to share our equipping beyond the Brook Hills 7 (BH7) related to church planting teams and pastors. If you have not read the previous posts in order, it would be helpful to do so to understand the context: Share Today’s Stories […]
Equipping Planters and Pastors Beyond the Brook Hills 7
This is the third post in my series about The Church at Brook Hills’ approach to church planting and church revitalization. You may find the other posts HERE and HERE. In this post, I want to share about our Institute for Disciple Making (IDM). IDM exists to equip every member […]
An Engine for Developing World Impacting Disciple Makers
In this second post of this series, I want to share with you the foundational issues for our church’s planting and revitalization efforts. Listed below are matters we regularly preach, teach, and talk about among our leaders and our members. Without understanding these foundational issues, it is difficult to understand […]