The MissioNexus Church Connection Tour wraps up today in Atlanta. It has been a wonderful time discussing migration and mission in Baltimore, Los Angeles, Toronto, Chicago, and Atlanta. I have been encouraged by the turnout from churches, networks, and mission agencies, representing a variety of evangelical denominations and non-denominational traditions. […]
Yearly Archives: 2014
The Kingdom Ethic contains some peculiar matters: — Many who are first will be last, and the last first (Matt 19:30). — Everyone who exalts himself will be humbled; everyone who humbles himself will be exalted (Luke 14:11) — Jesus came as a suffering Messiah. — We are to be […]
Mites, Breadcrumbs, and Kingdom Paradox
The United Nations has declared June 20 World Refugee Day. I have decided to use this post to bring this matter to your attention. I believe the international migration of peoples (which includes refugees) is a major global reality shaping the face of the Church. The following is an excerpt […]
World Refugee Day
There are many questions to be asked about church health and mission. Many are being asked with the right heart. But right motives are no guarantee that the right questions are being asked. We often ask questions with familiarity in mind. This is a good place to begin, but we […]
Right Questions Matter
How you say what you say is almost as important as what you say. Your medium matters. You may be right and speak the truth, but your message is tainted because of your attitude. You may be right and speak the truth, but your lifestyle behind closed doors blanches the […]
Stop Clanging, Be More Fitly
Roland Allen died sixty-seven years ago today. Best known for his books Missionary Methods: St. Paul’s or Ours (1912) and The Spontaneous Expansion of the Church and the Causes which Hinder It (1927), Allen has been tremendously influential in shaping modern missionary practices of the second half of the 20th century to the present. This Anglican […]