The way we train others is often limited to a cognitive approach. This is most unfortunate. Such a model limits learning, retention, iteration, evaluation, and neglects a most vital aspect of learning–experience. This limitation should not surprise us. We imitate what we know, and we know what has been modeled […]
Yearly Archives: 2014
Next month, Lord willing, MissioNexus is sponsoring their annual Church Connection Tour with the focus on migration and our Great Commission task. I am thankful that this is the theme of the tour and honored to be a presenter as well. You may find the list of the other speakers […]
Church Connection Tour
You have a heart for reaching unreached peoples in the United States or Canada? Great! Brace yourself. Whenever you approach your pastor, network, association, district, mission agency, or peers, they will share in your excitement, but are unlikely to know what to do with you. If you had told them […]
Brace Yourself
Since Barrett and Johnson told us only 0.1% of Christian monies collected goes toward the unevangelized world, Evangelicals in the U. S. have rightly cried “inappropriate!” Their stat preaches well. This number makes for passionate blog posts. It will rally the troops. Yes, we need to reallocate our international expenses, […]
A Double Standard for the Unreached
“When we were planting our church, we did 1000 things wrong. I don’t have time to tell you about those, so I’m going to tell you what did work!” “Reaching this people group has been a blessing, but very difficult. We made many mistakes, but you are here to hear […]
The Conference No One Hosts is the One You Need ...
I love to talk about evangelism, sharing our faith, going to the nations. I love hearing my pastor preach. “Preach it, brother!” It is great that we have the poor on our hearts. I love God. Are you in love with the idea? The concept? The experience? The argument? The […]