Overlords Win Sprints, not Marathons

We live in a skeptical day.

What does he want? She has another agenda.

Desire is not bad. Neither is agenda.

However, such question and thought sometimes come from hearts of mistrust. Why? Such hearts have experienced contempt before.  They’ve been burned by their leaders, and have learned from it.

I’ll do this for you (It is my obligation.); but, I don’t trust you.


I don’t trust you because I’ve seen you in action. I don’t trust you because there are a wealth of verses in Proverbs that tell me I shouldn’t.

You can get people to do things for you because of your title, your authority, your signature on their pay checks. That will win the sprint for you.

As a Kingdom leader, you are called to a higher standard. The rulers of the Gentiles are overlords (Mark 10:42). The Kingdom Ethic governs the way you serve others on your team.

As an overlord, you can get people to help you win the sprint.  However, you’re called to a marathon–and trust will get you across the finish line, not resentful and reluctant submission to an overlord.

People will give you their trust.  But, if you become an overlord and violate that trust, it is difficult to receive it again.

What kind of leader are you? Don’t find satisfaction in how high people jump when you say “jump”.

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