I recently spoke at the Empowered Conference hosted by the Southern Baptist Convention of Virginia. It was a wonderful time with the brothers and sisters from around the state. I was encouraged to hear what the Spirit is doing through their Kingdom labors. My assignment: share from my book Strangers […]
Monthly Archives: April 2015
Complexity is not necessarily a bad thing, but it can be. In the West, disciple making, church planting, and pastoral ministry are complex matters. But they do not have to remain in this state. Whenever I speak to pastors, denominational leaders, academics, and agency leaders, they all share the desire […]
Diet of Complexity
The call to be a pastor in the post-Christianized West is a call to stand on a bridge between two worlds. The great need of the hour is to know the present, see the potential, and call church planters to move to a possible future. The great need of the […]
Pastors Stand on the Bridge
Partnership does not mean doctrinal compromise. Know your boundaries. Partnership does not mean that you compromise your vision, mission, or goal. Know your boundaries. Twenty years ago partnership was not as in vogue as today. Now it is cool. However, do not participate in partnership because everyone is doing it. […]
We are living in a time when the greatest number of Muslims are coming to faith. Last year, David Garrison noted this reality in his book A Wind in the House of Islam: How God is Drawing Muslims around the World to Faith in Jesus Christ. David traveled over 250,000 […]
Muslim Movements to Christ
“Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity” (Psalm 133:1, ESV). No one enjoys conflict, especially the kind that comes with others on your team. That kind of conflict really hurts. While we do not like it, it will come. No team is immune to conflict. […]