Last week, the Pew Research Center released an extensive report on the future populations of different world religions. Though there is troubling information here, this is a fascinating work providing a sobering reality of our world. Here are a few of the projections from 2010-2050: In the United States, Christians […]
Monthly Archives: April 2015
The prophets told us that one day it would be Friday, but Sunday would come. Today, in many parts of the world, the Church celebrated the resurrection as Easter Sunday. This was a time of praise, thanksgiving, confession, remembrance, and anticipation of the Lord’s return. He was, “delivered up for […]
It’s Sunday, but Monday is Coming
Christian holidays often provide many excellent opportunities to share our faith with others. With Easter around the corner, I want share with you a conversation I had with Jonathan Dodson, pastor of City Life Church (Austin, Texas). In 2014, he published two books–one for unbelievers, the other for believers. In […]
Talking Resurrection and Witness with Jonathan Dodson
In a lone ranger world, collaboration is the outlaw. It pushes against a rugged individualism. It slows things down. It is frustrating at times. The larger your church, agency, or organization, the greater the likelihood you will become a lone ranger. The more we have, the more we believe we […]