Dean Merrill, collaborating with Patrick Johnstone, recently published Serving God in Today’s Cities: Facing the Challenge of Urbanization. This book is a great introduction to our urban world and ministry today. Three percent of the world’s population lived in cities in 1800. By 2100, 90% of the global population will […]
Monthly Archives: May 2015
One type of busy keeps you in constant motion. You are always going, doing, never stopping until you collapse in bed at night. This kind of busy brings the praise of others, “Look at how busy he is!” But this kind of busy keeps you, and those you lead, in […]
Two Types of Busy
If we recognize we must now serve lunch at 7AM, then we come to the conclusion: We must change the way we prepare others to serve in our blurred world. Church planting training cannot remain as it is. Pastoral training cannot remain as it is. Seminary education cannot remain as […]
Don’t Wait for the How
Do you regularly tell tales? Leaders tell well the magnificent tales. Paul did this (2 Thess 1:4). I do this. “The lips of the wise spread knowledge” (Prov 15:7, ESV). What are you going to tell today? ——— What does innovation in missions look like? I addressed this topic last […]
Telling Tales
I drove through my hometown yesterday and saw a Taco Bell sign: “Lunch now served at 7AM”. Why did it take this Taco Bell so long to figure out that some lunch breaks are at 7 AM, not to mention the fact that some people like tacos and chalupas for […]
Lunch Now Served at 7AM
A stewardship of innovation exists within the Kingdom. We often do not think in such terms or recognize this responsibility we have received. If Jesus is building His Church and we are filled with a dynamic Spirit, then change should be expected. We do not innovate for the sake of […]