“but you make it a den of robbers” (Mt 21:13, ESV). Here is a danger in innovation, efficiency, and so-called progress. It is possible to turn a house of prayer into a place of thieves, even in the name of Kingdom stewardship. A little pragmatism here and some capitalism there, […]
Monthly Archives: July 2015
To the Edge: Reflections on Kingdom Leadership, Mission, and Innovation is set to release one month from today. This is another one of my indie projects, and the third time I have used CreateSpace as my platform. While Kindle will allow for pre-order sales of the book, CreateSpace does not […]
On Indie Publishing
Roland Allen’s influence greatly shaped 20th century missions and continues to influence the expansion of the Church. Though best known for writings such as Missionary Methods: St. Paul’s or Ours? and The Spontaneous Expansion of the Church, his thoughts were not always appreciated. His adolescent grandson once asked to read […]
“Until I’ve been Dead Ten Years”
Today is a bittersweet Sunday. Bitter, because dear friends are leaving our church to move across country; sweet, because we commissioned them to go as part of a church planting team. Bitter, because unreached people groups still exist; sweet, because they are going to share the good news with them. […]
A Bittersweet Commissioning
The 20th century has been called the Age of Migration. Presently, 232 million people live outside of their countries-of-birth. They move for different reasons. Some are relocating for a better standard-of-living and education; others are fleeing persecution, war, disease, and famine. In this episode, I speak with Dr. Enoch Wan, […]
Enoch Wan on Migration and Missions
I want to share one more photo from our time on Ellis Island. Sociologists talk of transnational migration. This simply means that movers often return to their countries of birth. This photo addresses Chinese migration to the U.S. and is a simple reminder of transnational migration. Here are some excerpts […]