Monthly Archives: November 2015
As I mentioned before, I really like Marv Newell’s book, Expect Great Things. He encourages sharing these great quotes with others. Here are a few from the sections on “Character” and “Church and Mission”: “The greatest hindrance to the advancement of the gospel worldwide is the failure of the lives […]
Quotes on Character, Church, and Mission
I am scheduled to speak to a group of pastors tomorrow in St. Louis. These brothers are in the process of leading their churches in church planting. Since this meeting is obviously on my heart at the moment, I want to direct you to a post I wrote earlier this […]
A Word to Pastors
Steve Jobs was known for his reality distortion field. Yes, he got some things accomplished, but he messed up–and messed up some others–big time along the way. And for me, how one gets to the accomplishment is just as important as the accomplishment as itself. What would it profit someone […]
No Reality Distortion Here
Since writing Strangers Next Door, people continue to ask for stories of the gospel reaching not only people who migrated but also stories of them returning to their countries of birth with the gospel. While I share some stories in the book, we all desire more of them. Baptist Press […]
Another Blurring of the Domestic and International Lines
Yesterday marked the beginning of the largest Hindu festival, Diwali. This is a time of celebrating the victory of good over evil, light over darkness. Its significance to Hindus has been compared to the significance of Christmas to Christians. Of all countries, India is home to the largest number of […]