Choking on Your Experience 1

Experience is very important, but not ultimate. Wisdom comes with experience. In fact, I was just talking to some church planters today about learning from experience. Grace is found in experience.

Yet, some people live by the conviction that the inexperienced have nothing to contribute. Their experience leads them to believe this. They express themselves with, “You can’t do that. You don’t have the experience.” or “You do it first, and if it is successful, then I’ll do it.”

I have choked on food twice. And both times, someone was there to perform the Heimlich maneuver. Countless lives have been saved over the years by this simple procedure.

It is amazing to know that Dr. Heimlich only recently performed his method on someone. Now, that is truly amazing!

What a man without experience! Do not listen to him. Move along, move along. There is nothing to learn here. This guy has no street-cred.

Countless lives. . . over the years. . .

Given the rate of change in the world and amount of lostness, the Church does not have time to wait for experience and success stories. Denominations, mission agencies, and local congregations do not have time for the how-to books to be written.

The Church needs wise, Spirit-led leaders who will to go to the edge and take that next step. The Lord has already provided them. Are we holding them back? Are we holding back ourselves? Are we suffocating from experience?

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