If you are a regular at this blog, you know one of the missing components in preaching today is a hermeneutic that includes the mission of God. Thankfully, a great deal of preaching in evangelical circles is expositional and Christocentric. However, we still have a long way to go before we are preaching Genesis to Revelation through Great Commission eyes.
I want to share an example of my own preaching related to this matter. Last week, I preached Nehemiah 11 and 12, two chapters filled with Old Testament genealogies and other lists of names. The heart of this text is on the repopulating of Jerusalem, dedicating the wall, and reinstating the temple service. However, I believe this passage has much to say to the Church about what it means to be on mission with God.
Check out the video or audio for the message: “Five Commitments of a People on Mission with God.” You can also get the message notes and the small group guide at this link too.