Six years ago, the Payne Gang moved from Louisville to Birmingham. The Lord had called me to serve as one of the pastors of The Church at Brook Hills. It was announced this past Sunday that His leadership has taken me in another direction. After much prayer, fasting, and seeking […]
Yearly Archives: 2018
Here is your chance to contribute to future episodes of Strike the Match. I launched this podcast three years ago to address matters related to missions, leadership, and Kingdom innovation. That purpose has not changed. It has been a great ride these past 50 episodes (three seasons). I have been […]
Contribute to Strike the Match
David Hesselgrave passed away yesterday. Some of you are very familiar with his name and legacy. Some of you do not know of whom I write–however, you have felt his influence. Trust me on this. David was one of the leading missiologists of the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. […]
David Hesselgrave (1924-2018): A Humble, Missiological Giant
Sunday, May 20 is recognized as the International Day for the Unreached. There will be a live 90 minute broadcast related to the day at 8:00PM Eastern Standard Time. You can find out about the speakers HERE. If you are unable to attend in person, you may tune in HERE. […]
International Day for the Unreached
In my previous post, I shared part 1 of my lecture given at Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary on the topic of apostolic church planting. The video of part 2 is posted below. Here I address some of the challenges of applying apostolic church planting strategy and methods to a post-Christianized […]
Apostolic Church Planting: Foundations and Challenges, Part 2
I recently had the honor of giving the Scholarly Lectures Series at Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary. After they asked me to speak about apostolic church planting, I was encouraged that an academic institution was interested in this important topic. It is my hope that more schools will follow their lead. […]