The status quo is not a bad thing. If everything was constantly in flux, then little progress would be made. The status quo is important in local church ministry. Healthy, biblical structures and organizations are necessary for the sanctification of the saints and Kingdom expansion. We pastors should not feel […]
Yearly Archives: 2018
Lord willing, May 16, I will be doing a webinar with Matthew Ellison and the good folks of Sixteen:Fifteen on developing an apostolic imagination. We are hoping this event will be a blessing to you and your ministry. Evangelicals have been discussing unreached people groups for over 40 years. Much […]
Free Webinar: Developing an Apostolic Imagination
Joel and I recently went with his fifth grade class on a week-long field trip to Washington D.C.. We had an afternoon at the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum. As we were walking into the building, I remembered the name and concept behind my podcast (Strike the Match) were inspired […]
Strike the Match–The Origin of the Burn
The further we move away from biblical language to describe our actions, the greater the likelihood our actions will move away from biblical purposes. The further we move away from biblical models to guide our actions, the greater the likelihood our actions will move away from biblical purposes. Without the […]
Time to Stop Talking about Missions and Church Planting?
If you are a regular at this blog, you know one of the missing components in preaching today is a hermeneutic that includes the mission of God. Thankfully, a great deal of preaching in evangelical circles is expositional and Christocentric. However, we still have a long way to go before […]
5 Commitments of a People on Mission with God
I had the honor of spending yesterday with the wonderful brothers and sisters of the Houston Church Planting Network. If you are in the Houston area, you need to link arms with them. Chad Clarkson serves as the Executive Director. You may contact him HERE. I spoke on the topic […]