I launched Strike the Match on March 12, 2015 (“Who was St. Patrick with Ed Smither”). Season 4 concluded last week. I have enjoyed these four seasons of 64 episodes. Thank you for listening and sharing. You are in 139 countries, with the U. S., Japan, U. K., India, and Canada making the top five.
In the early 00s I produced NorthAmericanMissions.org–a podcast focusing on North America. This lasted for a few years. After taking some time off, I wanted to return to the mic to discuss issues on a global scale.
Four years ago, I decided to produce a podcast that would address matters related to global missions, innovation, and leadership. If you enjoy a trip down Memory Lane, check out my 2015 video announcement and the pilot episode 0. You will hear about the initial vision. There were very few missions-related podcasts at that time. The number has increased but not by much. Some of you need to start podcasting!
Below are the most downloaded episodes from the past four years. If you are needing a good place to begin with Strike the Match, start here:
The Need for Apostolic Missiology
Samuel Chiang on Orality and Missions Today
Roland Allen – Missiology Part 2 with Steven Rutt
Bryan Galloway on Reaching the Nations
Muslim Movements to Christ with David Garrison
Nathan Shank on Church Multiplication and Health
Characteristics of Early Moravian Missionary Activities
Roland Allen – Life and Journey Part 1 with Steven Rutt
Thank you, again, for listening. I appreciate your encouraging words, ratings, and comments. Please keep sharing this podcast with others. Your endorsement means a great deal. Lord willing, I plan to return in a few months with Season 5. Please remember me and this resource in your prayers.
Listen. Share. Discuss. Go.