If Jesus is building His Church, then we should expect change. If we are filled with a dynamic Spirit, then we should expect change.

And along with change comes innovation.
However, church and mission agencies are often slow to innovate. Some completely avoid innovation. The problem with this is that a failure to innovate reveals a poor Kingdom stewardship. Again, if Jesus is building His Church and we are filled with God’s dynamic Spirit, then we often kick against the goads whenever we remain in place.
Church history reveals ecclesiastical innovation. Though persecution was the driver, Philip took the gospel to Samaria (Acts 8) and unnamed men did the same among the Hellenists in Antioch (Acts 11).
Innovation is about following the Spirit into a world filled with challenges.
William Carey innovated by using “means” for the “conversion of the heathen.” Hudson Taylor and others innovated by taking the gospel into the interior regions of unreached countries. Cameron Townsend, Donald McGavran, and Ralph Winter. . . all innovators. And even if this is the first time you have encountered their names, you have been influenced by their stewardship.
Innovation is important, but we must avoid allowing the latest business model to be our guide. Kingdom innovation must be grounded on biblical principles. Without the proper foundation, the Church runs the risk of becoming all things to all people while falling short of Her commitment to Christ.
A few years ago when I published To the Edge: Reflections on Kingdom Leadership, Mission, and Innovation and launched the podcast Strike the Match, I did so with the hope of helping the Church come to value and apply innovation to ministry. I am excited and thankful that I am not alone in this endeavor. There are other brothers and sisters engaged in such efforts. And I have a great opportunity to partner with three of them and desire your presence as well.
I want to invite you to a live web event on April 24. Join Jon Hirst, Carolina Salazar, Rob Wassel, and me for this year’s “Innovation in Mission: Getting Innovation Done” webinar. You may read more HERE. You may see the schedule and register at InnovationInMission.com. I do hope you will join us. Also, would you please remember this event in prayer? We would greatly appreciate it.