Reaching the Nations: Thinking about Highest Priority 1

We know the end of the story–all peoples gathered around the throne (Rev 7:9). We look forward to this day. We pray and labor for this day.

There are 7,000 unreached people groups in the world. What if we knew there was one group who never had one followed of Jesus in its history? What if two groups? Three? Ten? One hundred? One thousand? Would this historical knowledge affect the way we prioritize the least reached, frontier peoples?

I originally shared this idea with you in 2016 HERE and HERE.

We often think the mission of God began in the Bible, stopped for 2000 years, and then restarted during our lifetime. We fail to consider God has been working from eternity past, including the past 2,000 years!

What if among those we label as “unreached,” God’s harvest occurred 500 years ago? 1000 years ago? Would this affect our strategies if we knew that others we label as “unreached” have never had a believer?

A few days ago, I posted the video below for you on my YouTube Channel. Here is what I want us to consider:

God was working before we were born.

Jesus has not returned and told us to preach the gospel to all nations (Matt 24:14).

We know of some people groups who have never had one follower of Jesus.

We could know of more such groups.

Our actions of praying, giving, and going do not reflect wise Kingdom stewardship that gives priority to the most urgent spiritual needs.

Check out the video and share it with others. What are your thoughts? While there, be sure to subscribe.

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