The International Organization for Migration (IOM) periodically releases the World Migration Report, one the most important studies on global migration. They just released the 2020 findings.
Download the 500 page book for free HERE.
A few numbers from the report:
The number of international migrants is estimated to be 272 million (3.5% of the global population). This is an increase since I published Strangers Next Door: Immigration, Migration, and Mission in 2012.
52% of international migrants are male; 48% are female.
India has the largest number of migrants living abroad (17.5 million), followed by Mexico (11.8 million), and China (10.7 million).
41.3 million people are internally displaced due to violence and conflict.
25.9 million people are refugees
“And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place, that they should seek God, in the hope that they might feel their way toward him and find him” (Acts 17:26-27, ESV).
The Divine Maestro continues to orchestrate the movement of the nations for His glory. Will we be wise Kingdom stewards with the opportunities we have that they may find Him?
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