A People Deep within the Forest

image credit: pixabay

Whenever the moral foundation of a society begins to crumble, the structures and people above that foundation do not feel its immediate effects. Decline is usually a gradual process.

The writer of Proverbs states: “Let your eyes look directly forward, and your gaze be straight before you. Ponder the path of your feet; then all your ways will be sure. Do not swerve to the right or to the left; turn your foot away from evil” (Prov 4:25-27).

A people do not wander from the path of common grace overnight. Rather, they gradually move deeper and deeper into the woods. In the beginning, they may stray several yards into the forest, but not so far the path becomes unseen, for they do not want to lose its benefits. However, the appealing temptations to go farther into the unknown and unexplored territory eventually win the day. Over time, the path cannot be seen. And the way back to the path becomes unknown. Any markers pointing the lost in the proper direction are written off as restrictive and foolish. For the pleasures of the path become forgotten, and the new normal is believed to be better than what came before. Something un-natural must occur to bring about needed change.

The prophets of Israel often condemned their kings and priests because the leaders were reflections and representatives of the people. The people influenced the leaders; the leaders influenced the people. Everyone wandered so far from the path, that covenantal faithfulness became offensive. Manasseh did not become king and receive support, or Caiaphas the high priest, overnight. Social forces develop over a period of time before such people and acts become accepted and expected (even if unsupported by some in Israel’s theocractic-monarchy). What was true of Israel was true of other nations and societies. While I have not studied Roman history, they say Rome fell from within, even though the barbarians attacked from without.

There were no winners last night, just an embarrassing clarification and confirmation of where we (all parties) are–deep, deep within the forest.

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