The Migration Policy Institute is a well-respected organization that, among other things, collects and disseminates information on the movement of peoples throughout the world. I want to encourage you to check out their interactive remittance inflows and outflows map. HERE you will find the quantities of money sent from and […]
Yearly Archives: 2021
I shall keep this post brief. The past several days have been most challenging and an emotional roller coaster. My mother was diagnosed with cancer and given about a year to live–assuming chemo treatments. She has yet to decide whether she will participate in such therapy. Please pray for us […]
Pray for My Family
“I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth. So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth” (1 Cor 3:6-7). Do you ever wonder, when it comes to sharing your faith, if the Lord is involved? That, at times, it does not seem He […]
Perfect Timing
Craig Ott is my guest in this episode. He is professor of mission and intercultural studies at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and author of a new book Teaching and Learning Across Cultures: A Guide to Theory and Practice. Craig is an expert in the field, and his book will become […]
Craig Ott on Teaching and Learning Across Cultures
I recently delivered two lectures on Apostolic Imagination at two U.S. seminaries (Beeson Divinity and Southeastern Baptist). While time did not allow for an overview of my forthcoming book, I was able to address some important components related to reimagining mission language, identity, function, and location. I want to share […]
Apostolic Imagination: Recent Lectures
In this episode of Strike the Match, I have the honor of having a conversation with David Joannes about his latest book Gospel Privilege: The Unearned Advantage that’s Meant for Everyone. Privilege is a frequently used word, but seldom applied to gospel conversations. Though more people claim Christianity than any […]