I am often asked, “How long should a team remain with an unreceptive people group before moving to another group or location?”
There is no easy answer to this question–no universal response.
People are not robots. Though all are dead in sin and trespasses, not everyone responds to the gospel with the same action and attitude. We only need to look at the New Testament to see this truth.
We know Jesus, His disciples, and Paul, at times, “shook off the dust” and moved on to others (e.g., Acts 18:6). We know Paul preferred to preach to receptive peoples. And I hope, we also desire such audiences.
How long is long enough? This is a complex question. Teams need to consider at least four matters as they seek first the Kingdom (Prov 3:5-6).
First, teams should examine their call to the people/location. Do they believe they should remain? If so, remain.
Second, teams should ask what they sense the Spirit is doing among this people, in this place, at this time. Maybe the team needs to remain and continue to pray and sow (1 Cor 3:6). Maybe part of what is to come is based on the team living out the Kingdom among an apathetic people.
Third, what does the team’s sending church have to say regarding the matter. I know. I know. This assumes a local church(es) has been involved in the apostolic team’s ministry. Church leaders, even though they are distant from the context, should be consulted for wisdom regarding the matter.
Fourth, the team should examine the context and ask if they believe it would be wise kingdom stewardship to remain in light of the contextual realities. For example, are resources coming to an end? Is the government making it difficult for them to reside in the community? These and many other questions should be asked. Context should not be ruled out of the decision.
In all of this. . . here are some things to consider:
We live during a time when a two-year commitment is considered “long-term.” Maybe we need to re-consider this matter.
We live during a time when field success looks like something from Corporate America. We need to re-consider this matter too.
When Paul Hattaway wrote From Headhunters to Church Planters: An Amazing Spiritual Awakening in Nagaland, Nagaland was one of the most Christianized regions on the planet. But the story of such transformation covered a long and dark history. The first missionaries arrived in 1839, but it was 1871 when the Ao people were the first of the Naga tribes to accept the gospel in significant numbers.
Thirty-two years.
The first baptisms occurred and the first church was planted in Nagaland in 1872–thirty-three years after the initial missionaries brought the gospel to the people!
If research is correct (see Clyde Meador, “The Left Side of the Graph,” Journal of Evangelism and Mission 6, Spring 2007, 59-63), that the Lord usually works through a lengthy period of apostolic service before the birth of a disciple making movement, then teams must understand that the task before them will usually not be accomplished in two to four years of service–a common tenure among twenty-first century teams.
Should we stay or should we go? I can’t answer that question for your team. There is much to consider as you fast, pray, and consider what seems good to everyone and the Holy Spirit (Acts 15:28).
But what are your thoughts on this matter? I would love to hear from you. Leave a comment below before you go.
In the West in locations where there are multiple Diaspora peoples I have often see people opt out not by changing location but by begi to spend significant amounts of time reaching “easier peoples”. How will the unreached be reached if such a trend is encouraged in the name of productivity?… This is something to ponder in the light of Eternity.
In my view the practice of looking for easier targets is more common than might be supposed. Let me explain: I see some people who working cross culturally do not change location but choose to focus most of their time on easier targets whilst dedicating little or almost no time to the ethnic group they originally proposed to reach. In light of passages such as Matthew 24 14 and Revelation 5:9-10 I wonder if such pragmatism is justified.
Thank you, Andrew, for sharing.