Most people in the U.S. do not know their neighbors. And those that do rarely move beyond names and a simple wave from the driveway. In my hemisphere, fall is upon us with winter to follow. The days grow shorter and colder, and even the neighborly waves grow fewer in […]
Yearly Archives: 2021
I am often asked, “How long should a team remain with an unreceptive people group before moving to another group or location?” There is no easy answer to this question–no universal response. People are not robots. Though all are dead in sin and trespasses, not everyone responds to the gospel […]
Should We Stay or Should We Go?
If Jesus is building His Church and we are filled with a dynamic Spirit, then we should expect change. Also, we live in a world where change is constant. And with change, we encounter ministry barriers. It is here that leaders must lead with innovation. Throughout history, the Church has […]
Ted Esler and the Innovation Crisis
Two important truths about church planting: First, Jesus never told us to plant churches. Second, churches in the New Testament did not come into existence through the movement of Christians from one location to another. Both of these truths are intimately connected. We have been told to preach the gospel, […]
Church Planting: Beyond Sheep Shuffling
Maranatha is used once in the New Testament at the conclusion of 1 Corinthians. The word is Aramaic in origin and the exact meaning is debated among scholars. The ESV translates it as “Our Lord, come” (1 Cor 16:22). But others have advocated: “Our Lord has come” and “Our Lord […]
“Maranatha” on My Best Day
Peyton Jones is no stranger to the ministry of church planting. After two decades of such kingdom labors in Europe and the United States, his recent book addresses many of the elements involved in this Great Commission activity. In this episode, Jones and I discuss Church Plantology: The Art and […]