Somewhere along the way, we decided it was impossible, or at least improbable, for the Church to experience rapid numerical growth and significant sanctification. I started marking such conversations in my journey as I heard them in the United States in the early 1990s. Many of you can provide earlier […]
Monthly Archives: November 2022
Today is the first day of Season 8 of Strike the Match! Over the past seven seasons, I have addressed a variety of topics related to missions, innovation, and leadership, but we will focus on one topic this season: theology of mission. Earlier this year, I published Theology of Mission: […]
Theology of Mission
Here is a quick update for you regulars (and newcomers) related to Strike the Match. Lord willing, season 8 will launch very soon! Last season, I promised much of season 8 (possibly all) would be devoted to mission theology. When I published Theology of Mission earlier this year, I wanted […]
COMING SOON! Season 8 Strike the Match
“At the sound of the tone, the global population will be seven billion.” I was driving to the campus of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary to teach a class when I heard these words on the radio. The year was 2010. The world reached another record this week–8 billion people. […]
8 Billion Reflecting the Imago Dei
U.S. Religion Census released very important data today. I’ll be brief as I have not had time to examine it but wanted to share this with you as soon as possible. Such is very important information. Go HERE to find it. In 2010, I launched this blog to share my […]
US Religion Census Data Available
My last post here was March 31. On that day, I shared I would be taking time off from blogging (and YT and Strike the Match) until August. After 12 years of frequent writing here, I enjoyed the break so much that today is November 9. Would I recommend, to […]