I have never officially taken time off from blogging and social media. But that is about to change, big time. Twelve years ago I entered the world of social media and simultaneously launched Missiologically Thinking. Strike the Match turns seven years old this month. And, though twelve years ago I […]
Yearly Archives: 2022
Much appreciation to Dr. Alfonse Javed, pastor First Baptist Church, Metuchen, New Jersey, for having me on Our Urban Voices. If you have not checked out his ministry and this podcast, I encourage you to take a moment and click on the links. Here is the link to our conversation. […]
Our Urban Voices
I go solo on the mic in this episode and share the big announcement that Apostolic Imagination and Theology of Mission were recently published. Every book has a story, and you will hear why these were written. I address the general contents of the books and do a little reading […]
Big Announcement-Top 10 Countries Listening-Personal Update
I found out today about the passing of George Patterson from George Robinson via Twitter. Though I have been unable to locate an obituary, family members shared information on social media and condolences are increasing on FB. Another giant in the Kingdom has finished the race. If you are older […]
Passing of George Patterson
Apostolic Imagination just released! Now is the time to get your copy. A big thank you to those who have already shared on social media and throughout your circles of influence! Exciting! I have recorded several podcasts related to the book and have linked them below for your convenience. Enjoy! […]
7 Podcasts on Apostolic Imagination
Polycentric – a word quickly growing in popularity in missiological circles. It describes the concept of having more than one center. When applied to leadership, it reflects a growing model in ministries and mission agencies. My guest on this episode, is Dr. Joe Handley. Joe is the president of Asian […]