Monthly Archives: March 2023

I launched this blog in 2010 as a means to release a massive report on evangelical concentrations in the United States and Canada. Such was based on data housed at The ARDA. Over the years, I have attempted to share the updated evangelical percentages and church to population ratios. While […]

Least Reached US Metro Areas

Saint Patrick’s Day is tomorrow, so I wanted to provide you with a quick post on some excellent resources related to Patrick. A great deal of myth surrounds the man, his methods, and motives. Scholars question much of what we think we know. Hopefully, what I have linked below will […]

Saint Patrick’s Day Resources for You

The Writings comprise the latter section of the Hebrew Scriptures and attempt to show how the people of God were to live in a variety of circumstances. The mission of God saturates the books of Psalms, Job, Proverbs, Ruth, Song of Songs, Ecclesiastes, Lamentations, Esther, Daniel, Ezra-Nehemiah, and Chronicles. In […]

Mission in the Writings

Apostolic Imagination was published twelve months ago. As with most books, it takes time for word to spread and people to add a new piece of literature to their reading lists. Most authors take time to reflect on their works with more and deeper reflection the farther they move away […]

8 Challenges to the Apostolic Imagination