Hiatus of Hiatuses – Take Two 1

Two years ago I took extensive time off from blogging, my YT channel, podcasting, and social media. And I loved it. If you post on a regular basis, I encourage you to consider giving a hiatus a try. The world will go on without you. And you can pick up where you left off when you return.

As I announced several days ago, I am doing this again starting tomorrow. This time I will not be as removed from social media and likely to post here, at least once, during next few months (a major missions-related matter is going public soon).

To what will I give my attention during this time? In addition to my classes and speaking engagements, I will be working on my next book. I am a few months away from my deadline and need to concentrate more time and attention on that project.

Of course, I will be available for interviews, and still have a few dates available this fall for speaking engagements. If you need me, please reach out through my university email — jd.payne@samford.edu.

I am not going away, just taking some time away from the usual.

At the risk of too much self-promotion (assuming you are not already sick of Payne), I encourage you during this time to check out my author’s page at Amazon. Read something you have been wanting to read. Of course, I would love it if you posted a review. Feel free to send me an email as well. I welcome your thoughts on my writing. Your feedback helps me improve in this area. Hopefully, you will be able to find something of substance to assist over the next several months (Strike the Match is well over 100 episodes on matters related to mission, innovation, and leadership, 40 videos at the YT channel, and 1000 blog posts on this site).

As always, thank you for visiting and making my site a regular stop. I consider it an honor. Take care. Hope to return to a regular schedule late this summer, Lord willing!

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