This year’s theme of the Evangelical Missiological Society is “Ecclesiology and Mission.”
While I am writing this post for my EMS friends (or those on the cusp of joining), I want to encourage all readers to check out the society’s site and consider if this is a group for you to join.
The call for papers was extended last fall, and various regions have upcoming deadlines for proposals. Check your region for paper ideas and deadline under the “Conferences” drop down on the homepage. Proposals are due next week for the Southeast region. Last week, the plenary speakers were announced for our national gathering.
Each year is an important year. Each theme is an important theme. All of the presentations have been important in the development of missiology.
But this year offers a unique and timely challenge. For example, accusations abound of some missionaries, churches, church planters, and missiologists having the reputation of encouraging squishy ecclesiology. Ecclesiological developments throughout Majority World contexts are being debated. The discussion continues of the relationship of sodalities and modalities. And so on. . . .
EMS has the opportunity to make a contribution to the doctrine of the Church and her Great Commission task. Now is the time to speak into the conversation and make a difference.
Do not miss your region’s deadline.
Submit a proposal.
Write up your research.
Present it.
The five billion remain.