AI Alan and Annie on Ethical Guidelines for Church Planters

I must confess. . . in this episode Alan and Annie let me down. And just when they were doing so well! Their conversation is related to an article I wrote in February 2010, “Ethical Guidelines for Church Planters.” I encourage you to check out the post (for context) at and then listen to their dialogue.

AI is a tool that may be beneficial in missiological conversation, thought, and writing. However, we must not blindly pass the baton to technology. As you will hear, Alan and Annie frequently take my work into a generic and wrong direction.

I interrupt their dialogue several times to note where they are accurate and where they mislead. I hope my running commentary does not annoy you.

Technology and innovation are important and valuable in our Great Commission efforts. But may we always move forward with caution, discernment, and supervision.

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