The Kingdom stewardship of evaluation requires a 360 degree approach when considering our methods and strategies. We must not take a cafeteria-style, pick-and-choose what we want to critique. Honest, and sometimes hard, conversations are necessary when it comes to Great Commission labors. Jesus has commanded us to bear fruit that […]
Happy New Year! I have returned after the hiatus of hiatuses. Fifteen years ago, I started this blog to offer content and resources to the Church throughout the world. The second post on January 14, 2010 was my study related to evangelical concentrations in the United States and Canada. In […]
Happy New Year!
The Fourth Lausanne Congress is underway in Seoul and released “The Seoul Statement” this week. The congress marks it origin in 1974 in Lausanne, Switzerland when John Stott and Billy Graham gathered global evangelical leaders for an “international congress on world evangelization.” Similar meetings occurred in Manila (1989) and Cape […]
The Seoul Statement
This year marks the fiftieth anniversary of the Lausanne Movement. Evangelicals throughout the world are planning to gather for the fourth congress in Seoul. Earlier today I participated in the movement’s release of the “State of the Great Commission Report.” This precursor to September’s gathering is to provide an account […]
Lausanne State of the Great Commission Report
Two years ago I took extensive time off from blogging, my YT channel, podcasting, and social media. And I loved it. If you post on a regular basis, I encourage you to consider giving a hiatus a try. The world will go on without you. And you can pick up […]
Hiatus of Hiatuses – Take Two
As a fourth generation Baptist of the Southern Tribe, I have kept up with my denomination’s stats over the years. Conversion growth has not been trending in a good direction for a long time. Yesterday, numbers were released on the latest study. While baptisms have increased, overall decline may be […]