“It is gradually becoming clear that the pattern which has been followed up to now (one-way traffic in missions, spiritual and financial dependence of the younger Churches, and the like) is old, obsolete, and thus about to disappear.” Here is a fascinating quote, one that recognizes missionary work now exists […]
“Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand” (Prov 19:21). Leaders are called to lead, but they must lead in light of the Lord’s desires. It would be a terrible situation to put much energy and effort […]
Leading from Vision to Reality
I started this “Apostolic Imagination: Re-Thinking Missions” series earlier this year. I am presently writing a book with Baker Academic titled Apostolic Imagination: Rethinking Contemporary Missions, and wanted to share some of my thoughts with you before its publication. Context is king. In case you missed the previous posts, I’ll […]
Apostolic Imagination: Rethinking Location
We know the end of the story–all peoples gathered around the throne (Rev 7:9). We look forward to this day. We pray and labor for this day. There are 7,000 unreached people groups in the world. What if we knew there was one group who never had one followed of […]
Reaching the Nations: Thinking about Highest Priority
We need to develop the skill of listening. The writer of Proverbs writes, “If one gives an answer before he hears, it is his folly and shame” (18:13). James tell us to be quick to listen and slow to speak (Jas 1:19). We are all guilty of not listening well. […]
Leaders are Listeners
Forty-five years ago this week (July 16-25, 1974), 2700 participants, from 151 countries, gathered in Lausanne, Switzerland for the International Congress on Global Evangelization. This gathering was the result of a great deal of planning with much leadership provided by Billy Graham and John Stott. The desire: bring global evangelical […]