
This coming Tuesday (October 13, 2:30-3:30 EST), EthneCITY is hosting a free webinar titled, “Apostolic Church Planting: Birthing New Churches from New Believers.” I will be speaking with Terry Sharp (and the world-wide audience tuning in, which hopefully includes you too) about this topic. Much of what I will be […]

Free Church Planting Webinar

The twentieth century has been called the Age of the Refugee. And today, we continue to hear of the flight of the peoples of the world. At the time of this recording, the refugee crisis continues to grow in Europe. The United States is planning to increase her cap on […]

Stephan Bauman with World Relief

I have been thinking about the relationship between eschatology, history, and unreached people groups. And I want to share a thought with you–one that I’m not hearing elsewhere (However, I’m sure someone out there has been thinking this as well.). We know that representatives of all peoples will be around […]

A Question We Need to Ask about the Unengaged

Dr. Travis Kerns is one of the leading evangelical scholars in the area of Mormon history and theology. He is also a missionary with the North American Mission Board and serves in Salt Lake City. The state of Utah is the least-reached state in the United States, comprised of a […]

Travis Kerns and Mormonism Today

Dr. Ted Esler recently became the new President and CEO of MissioNexus. Ted joins me in conversation this week on Strike the Match. We spend time talking about his background as a church planter and an administrator. MissioNexus is the largest network of evangelical mission agencies and church partners in […]

Ted Esler of MissioNexus