
I want to share one more photo from our time on Ellis Island. Sociologists talk of transnational migration. This simply means that movers often return to their countries of birth. This photo addresses Chinese migration to the U.S. and is a simple reminder of transnational migration. Here are some excerpts […]

Returning to China

The United States is home to the third largest number of unreached people groups in the world (behind India and China). The Global Gates Network is one of very few groups in North America attempting to make disciples and plant churches among the unreached peoples in the United States. In […]

Global Gates and Unreached People Groups

One of the cutting edge organizations out there is GMI. They have been thinking and leading on an innovative plane for 30 years. With a mission statement like: GMI leverages research and technology to create, cultivate, and communicate mission information leading to insight that inspires Kingdom service, you know they […]

Jon Hirst of GMI

This post concludes my three-part series (part 1, part 2) on the early Moravians. Today I draw attention to some of the places they served and elements of their missionary methods. The Moravians had a global vision and acted upon it. Missionary activity was not something they simply discussed; it […]

Early Moravians, Where and How? (Part 3)

During the Southern Baptist Convention last week, International Mission Board President, David Platt, made reference to the Moravians in his message (see 1h 34m). I was very encouraged to hear him reference their model (The Moravians were referenced over the years when he was serving The Church at Brook Hills, […]

Who were those Moravians? (Part 1)