
I have always been supportive of parachurch organizations. I was heavily involved in a Christian organization while a student at the University of Kentucky. I earned two degrees from a seminary. I served with a mission agency for nine years. I taught as a Bible college professor (at three different schools) […]

Evangelical Ethos of Parachurch Entitlement

It works! Let’s do it! This is a philosophy that often drives many churches, agencies, institutions, and networks; yet, we rarely state it this way.  To do so, would mean that we embrace pragmatism. Wow! Look at these results. Therefore, our means to the end justifies the outcome.  Great results […]

Just Because It Works Doesn’t Mean We Should

What do we do when we don’t know what to do? We do more of what we have been doing. Such is not the way of wise Kingdom stewards. To do more of what we know is safe. It is comfortable. It fits with our longstanding systems, organizations, strategies, and […]

More of What We Know

I recently wrote a post on the importance of doing our homework on upgs living in our neighborhoods.  A failure to do this research is poor stewardship.  Such omissions often mean we end up pouring more resources and people into reaching reached people groups. In this post, I want to […]

Knowing Utah: Another Excellent Example

Next month, Lord willing, MissioNexus is sponsoring their annual Church Connection Tour with the focus on migration and our Great Commission task.  I am thankful that this is the theme of the tour and honored to be a presenter as well.  You may find the list of the other speakers […]

Church Connection Tour

Recently, I attended the Southeast Regional Evangelical Missiological Society in Columbia, South Carolina.  It was here I presented a paper that Bryan Galloway and I coauthored: “More than Strangers Next Door. . . Our Neighbors: The Initiative to Research the Nations within the United States.” If you are not […]
