
I recently had the honor–at the invitation of the International Mission Board–of being a part of some conversations at the Southern Baptist Convention regarding the nations living in the United States.  Here is a thirty minute video of the discussion. Joining me on the platform were Terry Sharp (@terrysharpimb) and […]

Discussion about the Nations Next Door

Lord willing–this September–Baker will release the book Developing a Strategy for Missions: A Biblical, Historical, and Cultural Introduction.  I am delighted to share this news with you.  John Mark Terry and I co-authored this book as a part of the Encountering Mission series.  In this post, I want to give […]

Strategy Development for a New Generation of Disciple Makers

I recently spoke with a church planting leader for a particular denomination.  As we talked over coffee, he inquired about the direction of our church when it comes to church planting.  My response was to describe our future missionary labors in terms like we read about in Acts 13-14; 16; […]

When a Biblical Model is Viewed as Unusual

If you are around the North Mississippi-Memphis area, then you will want to mark your calendars for the ONE8 Network’s next training event.  “Breaking the Fallow Ground: Resowing the Gospel in the Religious South,” is scheduled to take place in about a month.  I greatly appreciate the leadership of George […]

Breaking the Fallow Ground Conference

I am very excited about an upcoming meeting sponsored by the North American Mission Board for Southern Baptist Churches and leaders in the United States and Canada.  Lord willing, on July 30-31, the SEND North America Conference will take place in Atlanta with the focus being on church planting.  This […]

SEND North America Conference