I launched Strike the Match on March 12, 2015 (“Who was St. Patrick with Ed Smither”). Season 4 concluded last week. I have enjoyed these four seasons of 64 episodes. Thank you for listening and sharing. You are in 139 countries, with the U. S., Japan, U. K., India, and […]
Steve Addison is my guest in this final episode of season 4. Whether the conversation is about disciple making movements or church planting/multiplication movements, missionary conversations often revolve around the topic of movements. Steve is an expert on this topic. And we need to hear from him. Steve is the […]
Steve Addison on the Rise and Fall of Movements
Great advancements in evangelical mission activity have taken place over the past sixty years. Moving from the mission-station model, we entered into a new paradigm–a paradigm in which we presently reside. However, paradigms have lifespans. As I have written before, the thinking and practices of today will not sustain healthy […]
Apostolic Imagination: Re-Thinking Contemporary Missions
The 1960s was a socially divided time in the United States. Birmingham, Alabama (the city in which I live) was one of the country’s most segregated and divided. A few miles from my house is the property of 16th Street Baptist Church where the horrific church bombing occurred, killing four […]
One Race, One Gospel, One Task
Dr. Steven Rutt has written the definitive works on Roland Allen. And both of these books were published in 2018. Roland Allen: A Missionary Life is an outstanding biography on the man behind such books as Missionary Methods: St. Paul’s or Ours? and The Spontaneous Expansion of the Church. And […]
Steven Rutt on Roland Allen’s Life and Work
I am with a great group of missiologists this week at Wheaton College. I recently received an invitation to join the Send Institute’s Missiologists’ Council, a partnership between the Billy Graham Center and the North American Mission Board. While the highlight of yesterday was riding around in the back seat of […]