
I wanted to share with you a book that was just released a few weeks ago.  Craig Ott and I co-edited Missionary Methods: Research, Reflections, and Realities (William Carey Library) as a part of the Evangelical Missiological Society Series. 2012 marked the 100th anniversary of the publication of Roland Allen’s […]

New Book Missionary Methods

If you are just joining this blog, then you are reading at a time when I’m in the middle of a series on missionary strategy.  Previous posts are located below: Developing a Strategy for Missions Future and Process of Missionary Strategy What is Strategic Planning? In light of our definition […]

The Big 5 of Strategy Development

In Developing a Strategy for Missions, we operate from the following definition: Strategic planning is a prayerfully discerned, Spirit-guided process of preparation, development, implementation, and evaluation of the necessary steps involved for missionary endeavors. Prayerfully Discerned The development of mission strategy is a supernatural process. While resources abound on the […]

What is Strategic Planning?

This is the second post in the series I am presently writing on missionary strategy, adapted from the forthcoming work Developing a Strategy for Missions.   We define strategic planning as a prayerfully discerned, Spirit-guided process of preparation, development, implementation, and evaluation of the necessary steps involved for missionary endeavors.  […]

Future and Process of Missionary Strategy

Lord willing, in just over a week from now, my next book is scheduled to be released with Baker Academic.  Developing a Strategy for Missions is a work that John Mark Terry and I coauthored, hoping to fill a gap in the literature.  While there have been several resources published […]

Developing a Strategy for Missions