Forty-five years ago this week (July 16-25, 1974), 2700 participants, from 151 countries, gathered in Lausanne, Switzerland for the International Congress on Global Evangelization. This gathering was the result of a great deal of planning with much leadership provided by Billy Graham and John Stott. The desire: bring global evangelical […]
Cape Town 2010
I launched Strike the Match on March 12, 2015 (“Who was St. Patrick with Ed Smither”). Season 4 concluded last week. I have enjoyed these four seasons of 64 episodes. Thank you for listening and sharing. You are in 139 countries, with the U. S., Japan, U. K., India, and […]
Strike the Match Turns Four
Sunday, May 20 is recognized as the International Day for the Unreached. There will be a live 90 minute broadcast related to the day at 8:00PM Eastern Standard Time. You can find out about the speakers HERE. If you are unable to attend in person, you may tune in HERE. […]
International Day for the Unreached
Church multiplication strategies must include pastoral training. Though some people believe pastoral training gets in the way of making disciples and planting churches, the bible advocates otherwise. “After church planting, what?” asks my guest, Dr. Ramesh Richard. In this episode, we discuss the importance of pastoral training throughout the world. […]
Ramesh Richard and Global Pastoral Training
I have been thinking about the contents of this post for several months. With all of the needs in the world, where should we begin our disciplemaking activities? Asking and responding to this question is a matter of Spirit-guided, Kingdom stewardship. Over the years, evangelicals have considered this question and […]
Only 400 People Groups to Go?
The day has finally arrived. This is the last post before I sign-off of the blog for several weeks. I set as my goal to write five posts per week in 2015. I was able to accomplish this, except for two days when my host’s server was down. It was a fun 2015. Thank […]