I have been thinking about the relationship between eschatology, history, and unreached people groups. And I want to share a thought with you–one that I’m not hearing elsewhere (However, I’m sure someone out there has been thinking this as well.). We know that representatives of all peoples will be around […]
Cape Town 2010
God has not only made every person from Adam and Eve, but He has also determined when and where they will live (Acts 17:26). The reason? That they might find Him (Acts 17:27). 232 million people live outside of their countries of birth. While many of these people are followers […]
Reaching Unreached Peoples in North America
Churches and mission agencies have been thankful for the global work of the U. S. Center for World Mission. For almost four decades, the Center has been involved in Kingdom advancing labors. If you are familiar with the name Ralph Winter, unreached people groups, or the Perspectives course (to mention […]
Dave Datema with Frontier Ventures
My latest book, To the Edge: Reflections on Kingdom Leadership, Mission, and Innovation, was published last week (Kindle should release soon) with a crazy deal for a new book: “Buy 1, Get 1 for Free to Give Away”! That’s two books for $16.00. That’s two books to get you and […]
What Others are Saying
Today is the day! To the Edge: Reflections on Kingdom Leadership, Mission, and Innovation has been released! Check out the link below for a summary of the book or listen to my podcast. I need your assistance in promoting this book. As a means of helping you and to show […]
New Book: To the Edge
Next month, I plan to launch “Strike the Match.” Each episode of this podcast will address matters related to missions, innovation, and leadership issues. I recorded this video for you, providing some details. Check it out! Please share with others!