What would happen if a mission agency started advertising their mission statement as: to plant churches among the world’s most reached people groups? Would you lead your church to other countries to pour the overwhelming majority of your evangelistic efforts into serving reached people groups, knowing 6800 unreached people groups […]
Church Planting
The language of the Church exists in two locations: 1) within the established contexts; and 2) within the pioneer fields. One is the language of age-related maturity, structure, great organization, highly educated leadership, and comes with time. The other is the language of new believers who recently self-identified as a […]
When Speaking of Ecclesiology…Remember the Context
Kingdom stewardship is not only related to the use of finances. It is related to everything we have received from the King (e.g., time, passions, gifts, opportunities, power, wealth). Will we bury what has been provided, or will we put it to use in a manner reflective of Kingdom wisdom? […]
Strategic Stewardship and Missions in the West
One of the greatest challenges facing the Church in the West can be summarized with this question: “How does a Church with a mature presence co-labor with apostolic teams in the same geographical context?” Unfortunately, few imaginations are considering this question. Church life as we know it has come to […]
Apostolic Imagination: What Few Pastors have but We All Need
The day has finally arrived. This is the last post before I sign-off of the blog for several weeks. I set as my goal to write five posts per week in 2015. I was able to accomplish this, except for two days when my host’s server was down. It was a fun 2015. Thank […]
Last Post
Lord willing, I will be at Urbana later this month. And many of you will be there too. I am scheduled to speak from 2:00-3:00, on December 29 (America’s Center, rooms 223-224) on the topic of church planting among unreached people groups in the West. Here is some more info. […]