Church Planting

Roland Allen died on this date in 1947. Allen was an Anglican, priest, missionary, author, and provocateur. While his influence in missions was felt in the latter twentieth and twenty-first centuries, he was often disregarded during his lifetime. Books such as Missionary Methods: St. Paul’s or Ours? (1912) and The […]

Roland Allen

When churches are unable to meet on their properties, ecclesiology suddenly trends in a radically biblical direction. After the sanctuary is flooded, the pastor tells the people the church is not the building. The worship center burns to the ground, but the pastor informs the news reporter the church is […]

“Since Your Church is Closed, be the Church” (2 Hezekiah ...

I know. I know. It has been ages since I last posted. I promise I am not intentionally neglecting you. I have been writing, just not here. Two book deadlines have consumed my time. I just finished Theology of Mission and sent the manuscript to Lexham Press. It is a […]

Church in a Post-Pandemic Society: What if Nothing Changes?

Craig Ott is my guest on this episode of Strike the Match. Craig is a professor of Mission and Intercultural Studies at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. We talk about ecclesiology and missiology as we focus on Craig’s book The Church on Mission: A Biblical Vision for Transformation among All People. […]

Craig Ott–The Church on Mission

Many believers in the United States do not know their neighbors. And they often prefer to share the gospel with people they know. Clearly, a disconnect exists. Several years ago, I developed a very simple and fun outreach method that involves holiday parties. The Christian calendar provides numerous annual events […]

Using the Calendar to Reach Your Neighbors

My guest in this episode is Nik Ripken, missionary, author, and founder of Nik Ripken Ministries. Ripken is one of the world’s leading experts on the topic of Christian persecution and missions. His travels have taken him to 72 countries where he has interviewed over 600 believers living in persecution. […]

Nik Ripken on Learning from Believers in Persecution