It has been said that since Gutenberg the Christian faith has walked on “literate legs.” And while we are very thankful to have the Bible in our language, we often operate from the assumption that the majority of the world also prefers to learn through literate means. However, close to […]
There is much in the Bible that addresses the topic of shame (referenced more than twice as often as the notion of guilt). This is good news as we labor among the 4 billion! For most of the world is not as individualistically-oriented as we in the West. Matters such […]
Werner Mischke and The Global Gospel
Dean Merrill, collaborating with Patrick Johnstone, recently published Serving God in Today’s Cities: Facing the Challenge of Urbanization. This book is a great introduction to our urban world and ministry today. Three percent of the world’s population lived in cities in 1800. By 2100, 90% of the global population will […]
Serving God in Today’s Cities
We have better information on unreached people groups living in the most remote places of the world than we do of those same groups living in the United States and Canada. We know the world; we do not know our neighborhood. I recently spoke with Dr. Bryan Galloway, Senior Research […]
Discovering and Engaging Unreached Peoples in North America
I have never promoted an app on my blog. However, I now want to direct your attention to one. We must be both students of God’s Word and God’s world. And one of the best ways to know what is going on in His world is to keep up with […]
How to Consume Global News Quickly
I recently spoke at the Empowered Conference hosted by the Southern Baptist Convention of Virginia. It was a wonderful time with the brothers and sisters from around the state. I was encouraged to hear what the Spirit is doing through their Kingdom labors. My assignment: share from my book Strangers […]