This evening begins Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement–one of two Jewish high holy days. Are you praying for the Jewish people of the world? How can you show love to and serve your Jewish community? The largest Jewish population in the world (outside of Israel) is living in the […]
The 2010 American Community Survey results were released today. One section to which I wish to draw your attention contains the foreign-born statistics. Once again, we are reminded of the peoples on the move. The following information was taken from the Highlights which you may find HERE. The foreign-born population […]
Latest Findings on the Nations in the United States
On Sunday I had the honor of speaking to the great group of people known as Boone’s Creek Baptist Church in Lexington, Kentucky. They were having their annual “Neighbors to the Nations” event. I am thankful for the pastor, Dr. Matthew Perry and his heart to reach others with the […]
Neighbors to the Nations
Earlier this month, my wife and I experienced another milestone–our youngest child entered kindergarten. All three of our kiddos are officially enrolled in school. Thankfully, the transition has been great for everyone. Since students across the United States have recently returned to classes, I thought it would be most appropriate […]
Numbers on the Students in the United States
Summer is here. And along with summer comes vacation. In light of my plans to experience rest and family and refrain from blogging, I thought I would leave you with a few of my previous posts from the past year-and-a-half. That way, whenever you are having problems sleeping over the […]
The Past in Review
The population of the United States currently stands at 311,641,092, making it the third largest country in the world. Today, the U. S. Census Bureau released the following information: Through 2050, the United States is projected to remain in third place behind India and China among the world’s most populous […]