The United Nations has declared today World Refugee Day, so I have decided to use this post to bring this matter to your attention. I believe that the international migration of peoples is one of the most influential social realities on the Church today and in all likelihood will continue […]
Last week, Pew Hispanic released some new information on the Hispanic population in the United States. You can find the 12-page pdf report HERE. You will also want to check out this helpful interactive map as well (see HERE). It provides a glimpse into 30 metropolitan areas. You can also […]
Hispanic Populations in Selected U.S. Metro Areas
It has been over a year since I started this blog. In today’s post, I want to say thank you for your encouragement and share a little about the site. Check out the video below:
Thank You!
Today is May 5–Cinco de Mayo. This day commemorates May 5, 1862, when an outnumbered Mexican army won a victory over the French. In light of this historic day, I wanted to take a moment to share with you some information regarding the Mexicans living in the United States. The […]
Cinco de Mayo and the Great Commission Opportunity
In the United States, May is officially designated as Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month. So, in light of this recognition that traces its origins back to 1978, I thought it would be good to use the occasion to provide you with a glimpse of the Asian and Pacific American peoples in […]